The Department of Ecology invites the public and local governments, tribes, and any others, to review and comment on updated Primary Response Contractor (PRC) applications. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-182 requires oil-handling facilities, pipelines, railroads, and vessels to have a state-approved oil spill contingency plan that ensures their ability to respond to major oil spills. Primary Response Contractors (PRCs) are often used to help meet these requirements. Primary response contractors are companies or cooperatives with equipment and trained personnel that respond to oil spills. We approve primary response contractors to allow them to be cited in industry oil plans. These contractors maintain caches of pre-staged equipment to support a rapid, aggressive response to oil spills. This equipment is routinely tested in oil spill drills.
The following PRC Equipment Change Summary is now available for public review:
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your comments. We will consider all comments and complete the review no later than 30-days after the close of the public review period. Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
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Thank you for subscribing to the Marine Spill Response Corporation Significant Equipment Change mailing list.
The Department of Ecology invites the public and local governments, tribes, and any others, to review and comment on updated Primary Response Contractor (PRC) applications. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-182 requires oil-handling facilities, pipelines, railroads, and vessels to have a state-approved oil spill contingency plan that ensures their ability to respond to major oil spills. Primary Response Contractors (PRCs) are often used to help meet these requirements. Primary response contractors are companies or cooperatives with equipment and trained personnel that respond to oil spills. We approve primary response contractors to allow them to be cited in industry oil plans. These contractors maintain caches of pre-staged equipment to support a rapid, aggressive response to oil spills. This equipment is routinely tested in oil spill drills.
The following PRC Equipment Change Summary is now available for public review:
Marine Spill Response Corporation Equipment Changes
Additional Detail Document
More information:
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your comments. We will consider all comments and complete the review no later than 30-days after the close of the public review period. Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
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